Elnet Makes a Donation to the GB Children’s Home
The Freeport News, Reporter Jaime Smith:
Questioned what he would say to encourage others to assist the Home by giving back in a tangible way, Hepburn responded, “I told someone recently that persons always complain about the fact that they do not have and that is why they do not give themselves. I have some new rules when it comes to my philanthropy; if I bless someone, I tell them that it will be a blessing to them. The only thing I ask of them is to be a blessing to someone else. “It does not have to be in the same amount, just bless someone else. I have this belief, now, that if I assist you and you take it to do evil with it, then I actually financed an evildoer’s work. I am very particular with how and to whom I help and who I allow the company to help.”
Mr. Hepburn presented Mrs. Johnson-Smith with a cheque for $10,000 to assist with the Home that presently has 29 children in its care.